What to do with my ash when i passed away.

 This is just a conversation I had with JY. I told her to scattered my ash in a pot mixed with soil and plant a plant. And remember to water it everyday and greet me everyday. She said it is so creepy. And also she said the plabt sure die because she is not good at looking after it. 

Then I said how about scattered my ash on a volcano? She said I am crazy. 

Then I said go to the highest mountain and scattered my ash there. She said she can't as you need professional to climb up. 

Then I said you have to pick one. And I said the cheapest will be scattered it in a pot and plant a plant. 

So there is not one she like so I have to think of another way. Will kept on updating the list and hope she will do pick one for me when it is time and I expire. 😂😂😂😂


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