What to study after high school?
I had this conversation with my daughter.
What are you going to study after high school?
She said she doesn't know what she want to study.
I said I am sure you have some ideas of what you want to do.
But she said she doesn't have any.
It is a painful conversation. This is not the first time I had this conversation with her.
Then I said since you are taking computer science then why not study something to do with computer.
She said okay.
Then after a few weeks she told me she wants to study music. And I told her no. What can you do with a degree in music? I said your results are all good. Your mathematics and science test result are all good why music? Why waste it studying music? Then she agreed to study computer science.
Then this time it is me that think back at what my husband told me long ago. He told me he study IT after high school because all his friend did that and so he followed along. But it is not something that he wants to do. And now he is stuck. He has to worked as IT for the rest of his life and he is not enjoying it at all. Once you picked what you want to study, your future is set for the rest of your life. It is difficult to change job and study again for another skills and start a fresh again.
So I talked to my daughter again and ask her again what she wants to study and she as a good girl told me computer science. It broke my heart that she have to force herself to say what I want to hear and angered me a bit as she won't stand up for what she think is right.
So I told her that what I said is wrong and she need to have her own mind. She need to make her own decision and not to follow blindly to what I want her to be. Her job and her future she needs to decide herself. She needs to live her life herself and not me. Her job and future if she don't enjoy then it is for life. So I said to her what I said is just as reference and advice for her. The rest she needs to think and decide for herself.
So for now she decide to go for music after high school. And I am going to support her fully.
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