Being a mother is hard.

 Once you are a mother you sign up for life. On the day you found out that you were pregnant is the day that you sign the contract to be a mum for life. In this contract that you sign it include lots and lots of duties and all these duties are not just for a short period of time. it is for life.

It includes sleepless night, insomnia, 24/7 on call, cleaning, cooking, going over homework, nagging, planning lessons, driving them to and from school, nagging again, competition if any, nagging again on homework and practicing piano/violin or whatever they took up, and the list goes on. 

But in this list it also includes worries, heartache, headache and all kind of emotions that goes with it. And this is not for one day or one year or 10 years. It is for life. The question is are you ready for all this? Will you be able to handle all this and be responsible for the life that you are bringing to this world for life. 

Whatever I wrote in the list will still add on and my list is still adding on more and more each year. I think most mum are like me. I worried and fret over little things. If she is sick I will worried. When she first start schooling I worried that she might not cope. When she is picked by her teacher to go for competition I worried but all that went well. She did good. Her results were good. Top in class and top in school. But now I start to worry again. What will happen if her result drop? Will she be able to accept it? Will she be able to accept 2nd place? How hard will she take this failure? Her pressure to keep up her ranking were so great. She kept her ranking for 6 years in a row. I know the pressure she put for herself. I did tell her that when she goes to high school just be in the top 10 and no need to aim for no. 1. And she agreed. 😂😂😂

But I want her to know that she is not the most brilliant person on earth because of her results. I always tell her and until today I still told her this. 

You are not the most intelligent person in this world. There are more intelligent and geniuses in this world. It just happen that you study in a small school that you stay at the top. Always know that there are more people that are more brilliant than you. But I am still very proud of her achievement. I don't want her to grow up arrogant or too full of herself. I want her to know in this world she will faced with lots of different types of people. And each with their own special skills and some will be more brilliant than she is. So that if in the future is she fails i want her to be able to take this failure and learn from her failure and grow and become stronger instead of break down and give up. As always as long as you give your 100% in whatever you do then no regrets. 

I want her to always remember her roots. Where she is from and be humble. I hope that she will always remember this. 

I also  told her that be grateful for what she have. Always be grateful what you have and don't be greedy. Always feels satisfy with what you have and don't ever compare yourself with other people. You are unique in your own way. Never look down on anyone. Don't discriminate on others races, religions, preference and the list goes on. What you like or don't like doesn't meant the other parties have to be the same as you. Your view and others views wil always be different. Always respect what others think even though you don't agree. 

It is difficult to teach all this to your child. I kept on repeating it hoping that it will get in her head and she will remember it for life. Now I know why mothers like to nags. By nagging all mother hopes that one day what they nag will eventually receive by their child. At least that is what I hope.

So what I have sign up for as a mum is difficult. It is until the day I die will this contract end.

Is is worth it? I don't know. I still have a long way to go. I know I will have many many more sleepless nights, many more worries and of course many more happiness too. I know there will be lots of ups and downs for the coming years but I don't regret having her. I will love her no matter what happen. 

I just want her to know that always be happy with whatever choices she make and never regret her decision after she made up her mind, Learn from your failure and grow into a better person from the failures. Always be humble and never look down on anything. Everyone on earth are equal. You are not superior than other people. Treat people with respect and you will get respect. Treat people like shit you will get shit. 😂😂😂 

Always stay happy. Bad things happen for a reason and good things will follow. Always stay positive. Never give up when bad things happen. When you fight for it with your 100% then you know you have given your all and even then if your fail you won't regret it. 

I will always be proud of you and I will always support you no matter what. 

I will always love you until the day I die.

Note: After I die please still remember what I taught you. Always remember!


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