Goodbye 2022

Another year went by,
In a blink of an eye,
I'm still here and haven't die,
It's time to say goodbye,

This year was not smooth sailing,
Found out that I have high blood was shocking,
Then on top of De Quervain's tenosynovitis I have carpometacarpal (CMC)  was horrifying,
All this sound bad but I still kept going.

I still count my blessing,
It's not depressing,
As my family is loving,
And everything else is progressing.

Thank you 2022 for a memorable year,
As lots of happy memories were made this year,
I'm glad that we made it to end of year,
Treat me well again next year.

Overall I had a good year other than my health. Jazz and JY had a good year in terms of work and school. Thank you 2022 for treating us well and hopefully 2023 will bring us more memories, good health and happiness. Looking forward to next year.


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