Remembering the happy times.

I was talking to Jazz yesterday and this came up. I told him that I remembered when dad came to Shanghai and visit us when we were in Shanghai. That was like December of 2010. So it was 11 years ago and JY was only 4 years old. And at that time Jazz was not around as he was in Beijing for business trip.

On that day they arrived I wanted to take them for dinner and I would like them to have authentic local food so I told them we're going to go across to that restaurant for dinner. And dad's first reaction was shocked to see the cars zooming by in the big city rush hour. As I was guiding them towards the traffic light to cross the road I saw my dad not moving. It looked like he was moving his body but the leg won't budge at all. He tried again and I started to panic. (This is because he had stroke before due to high blood pressure and dad walked very slow like a 🐢) I asked him what's wrong and he said nothing and I guessed it's because they just arrived and he was tired and also I can see that he was worried he can't make it across the road in time. So end up we ate at the restaurant just beside where we don't have to cross the road.

It still put a smile on my face whenever I thought of that day. Dad was really funny and whenever we talked about that day everyone will laugh including himself. But now it's only distant memory which I treasure.


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