Good Morning Thursday
It has been 5 days and everything is still frozen. But I still thank god that we got the power back and even thought without water it is difficult we still can managed. Jazz went downstairs with a pail and scoop some snow for some extra water for the toilet. 😂🤣😂🤣
We went out in the morning in the hope of getting some water but when we reach the Korean mart it stated that no more water. 😲 So we still went in and get some paper plates and paper cups. Can't do any washing and it starts to stink. We did get some water but it is those expensive alkaline water. So this is better than nothing. Then we get milk, juice and box drinks. Hope this will last us for a bit.
Then when we reached home as I walk coming oit from the car and asked Jazz to pass the shopping bag to me I did sthe ice skating ⛸ dance. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
I slipped and tried to balance and I grabbed on to Jazz's hand and I was laughing like crazy. It did scared me at the same time I found it funny.
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