An adventure in this cold polar vortex

This morning Jazz decided to get more mineral water so we go and get our car but alas all doors were frozen and can't open. So he said we shall walk down the block to get from local groceries store. So we walk in the cold drizzle/flurries. The road were coverd with snow and ice. It is so slippery and at some part when you step on it the water came out from under the layer of ice. So we walk and cross to the other side of the road then we kept walking and we reached our destination but alas the store were closed due to power outage. 🤦‍♀️

Then we walked back and by the time we reached JY said mum your hair was frozen. 😅

By the time we come back the ice on the car srarts to melt so Jazz tried to open the car door and it open so he starts the car and we waited until the ice melt and we drove to the Korean mart. Alas it was close due to power outage too. So we drove back home.

When we reached home we washed our hands and found out that the water pressure was low and we knew they are going to turn the water off. We quickly filled everything with water including our bath tub. 😂🤣

Then the power came back and the water went off. JY was smiling and kept on saying I am so happy we've got our power back. But without water we can't wash our clothes and hair and take shower. But we haven't taken shower for 3 days. I felt so dirty. So we boiled water and put it in a small bucket and we washed our hair in the basin and you wouldn't believe the water is black! JY was freaking out and she was like mum looked at the water. 🙈
That is funny. So I washed her hair and Jazz hair for them. They tip their head in the basin and I used some water and wash it then rinsed it off. It is not very cleaned but better than nothing. 😅

Then Jazz quickly charged all devices and power bank just incase the power went off again. The only thing that is not working is the internet service provider so I still have to use my mobile data. 

It is fun in a way and frustrate me in certain way. Fun because we played with the frozen ice and frustrate me because I can't get what we need. But all is well and like I said in my previous post this is an experience that not everyone can have. It just happen that we are here that we can experience this. Money can't buy this experience. 

It will make you appreciate what you have and never take things for granted. It also will make you think that you will never have everything prepared for any situation. You need to improvise with whatever you have at home. So this is the time to think and get things done, get food on the table. 

But I am glad that we have a roof over our head. Although it is cold in the -18°c the coldest that we get the day before yesterday and with no power we managed to keep ourselves warm in our apartment. I am glad we get through this unscathed. 

Thank you god for getting us through this experience unscathed and learned a great deal. 

At least I can see that Jazz and JY spent a lot of time together playing games and laughing like crazy. They talked to each other alot and she helped Jazz with everything around the house. This made me realize that she has grown up a lot. It also made me realize that Jazz is a good husband. He will think lots of things and get everything ready or at least make our life easier in this situation. 

I am a lucky wife and mother to have them. I am just sitting doing nothing. This made me realize that I am useless. 😅


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