You can choose anything in your life except your parent!
I was having this conversation with my daughter the other day.
I told her she can choose
1. Her own future
2. Her future career
3. Her friends
4. Her life partner
and so on. But there is only one thins in her life that she can't choose and that is her parents.
She can't pick her mum and dad. She was born to them.
And she can change
1. Her own future
2. Her career
3. Her friends
4. Her life partner (divorce)
and so on. But she can't change her mum and dad. She can't divorce her parents.
Once you are born in to the family it is for life. You have to go through all the ups and downs with them. You have to be responsible for your family for the rest of your life. You have to honor you family.
Am I wrong to tell her this? I don't know. I might be wrong but to me this is right in my opinion. Whether she thinks is right or not it is up to her. I always tell her to use her mind to think, what I said is as advise and not to follow whatever I said. She need to decide for herself.
Her future is her own. Her life is her own. Her happiness is her own. She have to work for it by herself and be responsible for her own decision.
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